API: Reports

Reports let you view information about individual transactions processed through your Recharge account.


Report Attributes

Parameter Description
id The unique identifier for the transaction.
customer The unique identifier for the associated customer.
charge The unique identifier for the associated recurring charge.
scheduleDate The date the charge was scheduled to run.
processDate The date the charge was actually sent to the processor.
responseCode 3-Digit code indicating the result of the transaction.

000 - Approval
001 - Decline
002 - Call
800 - 899 Gateway Errors
900 - 999 Processor Errors
responseDescription A more detailed description of the responseCode
transactionID A unique identifier set by the gateway for each request. Useful for processing refunds and voids.
amount Provides the amount of the transaction.
cardType The card type used for this transaction.
maskedAcctNum Provides a masked format of the account number. The format will show the last 4 digits, the remainder will masked out with an asterisk character.
expDate Provides the credit card expiration date associated with the transaction.
processorResponse The raw response returned by the processor.
batchNum The identifier of the current open batch.
batchAmount The net amount of credit and debit transactions in the batch.
approvalCode 6-digit authorization approval code.


View Transactions

Returns all transactions for all customers for a specified date range:

GET /transactions?start=MMDDYY&end=MMDDYY

Returns transactions for a specified transaction:

GET /transactions/tr4f03d89312b7d

Returns transactions for a specified customer:

GET /transactions/cu4e8adefb8c96f

Returns transactions for a specified customer and date range:

GET /transactions/cu4e8adefb8c96f?start=102111&end=102111


<transaction id="tr4ea21b67243d0">
	<scheduleDate>10/21/2011 12:00 AM</scheduleDate> 
	<processDate>10/21/2011 5:53 PM</processDate> 
	<processorResponse>DEVELOPMENT APPROVAL</processorResponse> 