API: Reports
Reports let you view information about individual transactions processed through your Recharge account.
Report Attributes
Parameter | Description |
id | The unique identifier for the transaction. |
customer | The unique identifier for the associated customer. |
charge | The unique identifier for the associated recurring charge. |
scheduleDate | The date the charge was scheduled to run. |
processDate | The date the charge was actually sent to the processor. |
responseCode | 3-Digit code indicating the result of the transaction. 000 - Approval 001 - Decline 002 - Call 800 - 899 Gateway Errors 900 - 999 Processor Errors |
responseDescription | A more detailed description of the responseCode |
transactionID | A unique identifier set by the gateway for each request. Useful for processing refunds and voids. |
amount | Provides the amount of the transaction. |
cardType | The card type used for this transaction. |
maskedAcctNum | Provides a masked format of the account number. The format will show the last 4 digits, the remainder will masked out with an asterisk character. |
expDate | Provides the credit card expiration date associated with the transaction. |
processorResponse | The raw response returned by the processor. |
batchNum | The identifier of the current open batch. |
batchAmount | The net amount of credit and debit transactions in the batch. |
approvalCode | 6-digit authorization approval code. |
View Transactions
Returns all transactions for all customers for a specified date range:
GET /transactions?start=MMDDYY&end=MMDDYY
Returns transactions for a specified transaction:
GET /transactions/tr4f03d89312b7d
Returns transactions for a specified customer:
GET /transactions/cu4e8adefb8c96f
Returns transactions for a specified customer and date range:
GET /transactions/cu4e8adefb8c96f?start=102111&end=102111
<transaction id="tr4ea21b67243d0">
<scheduleDate>10/21/2011 12:00 AM</scheduleDate>
<processDate>10/21/2011 5:53 PM</processDate>
<processorResponse>DEVELOPMENT APPROVAL</processorResponse>